Most performant deployment configurations with Free License

Suppose I have a local desktop PC with 32 CPU and 128GB memory, and I want to install SingleStore 7.x locally for testing and development purpose with a Free License. I can think of two configurations:

  • option 1: use the cluster-in-a-box docker image, which has 1 master-aggregator node and 1 leaf node. I believe the leaf node uses 8 partitions by default. I can increase it to 32 to match the CPU count so that all CPUs can be utilized

  • option 2, use k8s or minikube to deploy a 4 leaf node cluster, each leaf uses 8 CPU and 32GB memory. Add another node as master aggregator.

Which option has better performance?

The best way to test locally would be to use cluster-in-a-box running on docker; that will allow you to easily run SingleStore and test out functionality.

If you are looking to do performance testing I would recommend running a free trial of our Helios Cloud service; that will allow you to run larger clusters for a free trial to test the full performance of SingleStore.