Error with PIVOT operation

I was trying to get the PIVOT operation to work with MemSQL 6.7, but so far without success.

Based on the documentation I created a dummy table to match the example:

create table productionHistory(dayOfWeek varchar(10), itemsProduced int);

insert into productionHistory values ('Monday', 12);
insert into productionHistory values ('Saturday', 15);
insert into productionHistory values ('Sunday', 21);

Then I ran the example query:

SELECT "Items Produced" AS "Total Production by Day", Saturday, Sunday
        SELECT dayOfWeek, itemsProduced 
        FROM productionHistory
) AS pvt_subquery
        FOR dayOfWeek 
        IN ("Saturday", "Sunday")
) AS pvt_table;

But every time I run a query with PIVOT I get the error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 0, 200' at line 11

Hello. In MemSQL 6.7, I was able to run this code without error. Can you please try again?


That is odd. I will give it another try next week. I will also try different SQL clients and report back my findings.

It would appear that my SQL client (DBeaver) automatically appends a LIMIT clause to any executed query. While I am sure this behavior can be disabled, it still appears to be a bug that PIVOT cannot be combined with LIMIT. Can you confirm this?

Yes, LIMIT is not supported with PIVOT operation (We are adding this support in 7.0).

Try this (nested select) instead

SELECT * from (
SELECT "Items Produced" AS "Total Production by Day", Saturday, Sunday
        SELECT dayOfWeek, itemsProduced 
        FROM productionHistory
) AS pvt_subquery
        FOR dayOfWeek 
        IN ("Saturday", "Sunday")
) AS pvt_table

This query should work with LIMIT.