Changing the "max_pooled_connections" Variable

Hi all,

How would I change this variable from the default 1024 value?

A Google search provided an answer from 2015, and those documentation links directly from the MemSQL website are broken, and refers to an old method using “memsql-ops.”

I haven’t seen any way to do this on the updated documentation.

Old Post from 2015:

singlestore - How to set memsql max_pooled_connections - Stack Overflow


Found a solution.

Looks like memsql-admin takes care of what memsql-ops used to cover:

memsql-admin update-config --key max_pooled_connections --value 2048 --all
memsql-admin restart-node --all

<login to memsql / mysql to verify>

show variables like 'max_pooled_connections';

Hi there!

I’m running the memsql in k8s (memsql operator).

How can I change the max_pooled_connections value on my leaves?

I can do the following trick:

  • Connect to leaf pod
  • Run memsqlctl update-config --key max_pooled_connections --value 2048 --all
  • Run memsqlctl restart-node --all

But this will be only temporary, any change by memsql operator will override these changes.