Swap is not utilized


We have production memsql cluster with1 master aggregator, 3 aggregator and 30 leaf node. Leaf node memory is 128G. When we try to execute a query it return following error.
685841552204 2019-09-12 05:34:21.785 ERROR: Socket::Send (ssl = 1) failed with Broken pipe (32)
685841552266 2019-09-12 05:34:21.785 ERROR: Socket::Send (ssl = 1) failed with Broken pipe (32)

We have found 2 nodes memory completly exhausted. Upon checking we have found the swap space is not used.

:~$ free -g
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 125 116 2 0 7 5
Swap: 31 0 31

Can someone let me know why memsql is not utilizing the swap memory?


Can someone give an update on this question?

The thread opened 6days before but still no update from Memsql support :frowning:

Hey @arshakfm – we reached out privately regarding this issue. Apologies for the delay, we must have missed this.