Percentage of space occupied by columnstore tables on Ram

We have created several column store tables. But I am observing 12gb of Ram occupied on Memsql cluster.

I know like column store tables will occupies some space on Ram like meta data and indexes.

But I observed as around 12gb ram occupied now though we don’t have any row store tables… I could say OS also may occupied but it will occupies only 1 to 2gb only.

Please guide me what is the percentage of ram will occupies by a column store table and how to check what all are there on ram which belongs to memsql.

MemSQL caches certain amount of data in memory as well as storing a small portion of columnstore table in memory - we call it rowstore segment. Under memory pressure MemSQL drops the caches and pushes this data on disk. Normally you should not worry about this - the system will take care of it by itserlf

I agree but please guide me what is the percentage of ram will occupies by a column store table and how to check what all are there on ram which belongs to memsql.