Memsql-deploy cluster-in-a-box error running command:

tested both in Ubuntu 18.04.2 or in Ubuntu 18.04.2 WSL2

$ memsql-deploy cluster-in-a-box --license censored/censored== 
The target user kyz on host does not have the privileges to perform this action.                                            
Please enter your password to proceed with sudo.  (For details, see               
sudo password for kyz@                                                                                                      
memsql-deploy will perform the following actions:                                                                                       · Install memsql-server 6.8.3 locally                                                                                                 · 
Deploy a master aggregator on port 3306                                                                                             ·
Deploy a leaf node on port 3307                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 Would you like to continue? [y/N]: y                                                                                                 
 ✓ Downloaded memsql-server 6.8.3                                                                                                     
 Installing MemSQL locally...                                                                                                          
✘ Failed to install MemSQL 6.8.3 locally from /tmp/memsql-server-deb980097322                                                        
 Starting rollback                                                                                                                    
 ✓ Rollback succeeded                                                                                                                  
error running command: `"/usr/bin/sudo" "-S" "-k" "--" "/bin/sh" "-c" "'printf' 'd908d380-fade-censored-9241-9ff678a68e6c' && 'exec' 'dpkg' '--install' '/tmp/memsql-server-deb980097322'"`: exit status 2    

i forgot how i managed to install previously…

if i managed to install the deb manually, how do i create local cluster?

nevermind, i remembered how to do it last month

by adding the file path manually:

 --file-path `pwd`/memsql-server_6.8.3_ce74eb6a0c_amd64.deb