ERROR 1705: The query cannot be executed. MemSQL code generation has failed: re-running the query from plan cache

I am getting the following error when i try to query data from the table.
eg: select count(*) from table;

Error in leaf node’s trace logs:
WARN: Failed to allocate 43224 bytes of memory from kernel. Error 12: Cannot allocate memory
ERROR: Failure to allocate UnitImage

I have basic setup of memsql, both master and leaf node on the same machine with 32GB RAM and 32 GB hard disk.

This message usually indicates an issue with the virtual memory configuration.

Per our best practices, vm.max_map_count should be set to vm.max_map_count=1000000000 .

We have a bit more information on this in the following “Best Practices” documentation.

Thanks very much. It solved the problem.

This also comes up in my SingleStore Docker Setup, what can be done about this?

Memory configurations are 64 GB, 240 GB of disk space.

I’d have the same advice as before. And make sure your host has enough RAM and your Docker container has enough RAM for the amount you are asking for.