🌟 Announcing the MemSQL Community Star!

Hello passionate supporters of MemSQL! Thank you for coming to the official MemSQL forums.

We are rolling out an initiative called :star2: MemSQL Community Star to celebrate and reward YOU, our most passionate supporter.

:sunglasses: How can I get involved?

You are automatically enrolled as soon as you start answering questions, provide original blog posts, share insightful content, and in general, help the greater MemSQL user community on the forum. Fun benefits await you once you start!

:open_mouth: Why are you doing this?

Lately, we have been seeing more and more MemSQL users and customers contributing in not only asking thoughtful questions, but in answering questions for each other (such as @skropsell @bvincent – thank you!). These are people that took the time to come to the forums to not only read the questions, but take their time to provide deeply technical answers.

To thank you, the passionate MemSQLer, we will identify the most helpful/insightful person each month to become the Community Star.

Not only will you get a special badge to show off in the forums, a chance to be showcased on our Twitter/LinkedIn, and recognized in this stickied post as being the most helpful person each month, we will also be thanking you by sending you a MemSQL Care Package. There will be more benefits to be announced as this program grows – so stay tuned for more news!

This is a small token of appreciation for your time and energy.

:star_struck: How do I get selected?

At the end of each month, we will identify the most active individual answering questions for other community members (or other significant contributions). We will reach out to you by email/DM and we will coordinate from there.

:question: What happens if I am a Contributor Star more than once?

Stay tuned!

:star2: Past Community Stars

June 2019 - @zmeidav

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:star2: June 2019 Forum Community Star

We are very excited and happy to announce the MemSQL Community Star for June 2019

Drum rolls please…

:drum: :drum:

Congratulations @zmeidav :tada:

Thank you so much for helping other MemSQL users in answering their questions, and asking this GREAT question that helped us discover a bug within MemSQL. We have immediately fixed the bug – so thank you!

Keep up the great work! We will be granting you a special badge real quick – and we will reach out shortly to get your address to send you a MemSQL care package!

Thank you so much, and keep up the great work!

P.S. To celebrate the occasion, we have published a blog post announcing the first Community Star. Read it here.

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:star2: July 2019 Forum Community Star

We are very excited and happy to announce the MemSQL Community Star for July 2019

Drum rolls please…

:drum: :drum:

Congratulations @bvincent :tada:

Thank you Brandon Vincent from First Energy Corp for being such an active participant on the MemSQL forums! Not only were you actively helping other MemSQL users in answering various deeply technical questions (for a few months now, actually, and not just in July!), but also posting this excellent Columnstore Key Guideline, one of our first pieces of forum community content. Community members helping each other is excellent, but we also love seeing what the community has in store in terms of blog posts, guides, videos, and more!

Keep up the great work! We will be granting you a special badge real quick.

Thank you so much, and keep up the great work!

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Note: This month, we are trying a little something different with regards to the Community Star. We are starting to see that there are incredible community members beyond just the forums that are spreading the love of MemSQL and helping others out. So this month’s Community Star wasn’t picked from the MemSQL forum, but from Hacker News!

:star2: August 2019 Community Star

We are very excited and happy to announce the MemSQL Community Star for August 2019

Drum rolls please…

:drum: :drum:

Congratulations Mani Gandham, CEO of Instinctive.io and Co-Founder of Privolta :tada:

Mani G has been on our radars for awhile now, especially on Hacker News where he has amassed over 14,000 karma (:exclamation:). He frequents and is active on many different threads regarding databases, especially newer NewSQL-type DBs.

Mani has many informed opinions regarding different databases, in his own words:

It’s all personal experience and research from using these database products. I’ve also talked to the devs for each one, including here on HN sometimes.

Now to why Mani is crowned the Community Star of August 2019, we’d like to thank his contributions in various HN threads praising the capabilities of MemSQL. This includes (and is not limited to):

Note: Please do not upvote the Hacker News links, as you can get both Mani and yourself banned for brigading.

  1. Talking about the benefits of MemSQL over TimescaleDB for large scale analytics and aggregations. HN Link.

  2. Talking about how MemSQL has the best support for complex SQL out of all of these and will probably run anything you send it in a TiDB thread. HN Link

  3. Clearing up some misunderstandings in a MemSQL 6.7 launch thread. HN Link

These are some examples of Mani’s contributions in social media regarding MemSQL, and we couldn’t be publicly acknowledge him for his help.

Keep up the great work! If you create a forum account, we will be granting you a special badge and reaching out shortly in how we will be celebrating your contributions.

Thank you so much Mani!