After replacing master aggregator, cannot see any MemSQL nodes

Hi -

We were creating a playbook to identify the steps we need to take when replacing a master aggregator. While doing so, we were able to promote a child aggregator and get its memsql-ops agent to see all of the other agents. However, the new primary memsql-ops agent is unable to monitor any of our MemSQL nodes.

We are seeing the following error:

J6c4c27 [ERROR] MemSQL Ops cannot monitor MemSQL node at ‘’ because it is not colocated with a MemSQL Ops agent, or it is colocated with a MemSQL Ops agent but was not installed by MemSQL Ops.

Any idea what could cause this? Could this be caused by a license mismatch?

Currently, it seems we’re unable to control any of our MemSQL nodes because the agent isn’t aware of any node in the cluster.

Do you have the list of commands you ran? It will be helpful if we can reproduce the error.